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depreciation sum of expected life
预计年限总数折旧  detail>>
depreciation-sum of expected life
预计年限总数折旧  detail>>
depreciation sum of expected life method
预计年限总数折旧法  detail>>
expected life
预计使用期 预期使用年限 预期寿命  detail>>
depreciation life
应计折旧年限 折旧年限  detail>>
depreciation sum of year digit
年数加总数折旧  detail>>
depreciation-sum of year digit
年数合计折旧法, 年限总额折旧法  detail>>
sum-of-the-years digits depreciation
总和年数折旧法  detail>>
expected average life
预期平均寿命  detail>>
expected life periods method
使用期数比率法  detail>>
expected life time
预期使用期  detail>>
expected mean life
预期平均寿命  detail>>
expected operational life
预期工作寿命  detail>>
expected service life
预计使用年限(有效使用寿命) 预期使用寿命  detail>>
expected storage life
预期贮存期  detail>>
expected useful life
预计使用年限  detail>>
lose years of expected life
预期寿命丧失年限  detail>>
depreciation-sum of year digit method
年数加总折旧法  detail>>